Summer in Italy: The Island of Capri

Read about the first leg of this Italy trip here: Summer in Italy: America to Pompeii

Capri, an island off the coast of Naples, is famous for its stunning views and landscape, limoncello, shopping and handmade leather sandals. It’s also the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.

Day 1

We had only been in Italy for a day and a half and I felt like I was living in a fantasy. But there was much more to see and do on our trip, and Capri would not disappoint. After a morning of touring the ruins of Pompeii, our group headed to the Naples marina to travel to our island destination.

The only way to get to Capri is by boat, so this leg of the trip started with a ferry ride from Naples to Capri where we arrived at Marina Grande on the northern side of the island. This is the port where boats from Naples, Sorrento and Amalfi arrive with visitors to the island. The port was bustling with people – locals and tourists.

The Island of Capri actually has two towns you can visit – Capri and Anacapri. The town of Capri, which is closer to Marina Grande, is the more “upbeat” of the two with luxury boutiques, restaurants and nightclubs. Anacapri offers a more laid-back and quiet feel. It’s also at a higher elevation and naturally boasts stunning views. Our lodging was located in Anacapri, so we made our way from the marina to Piazzetta di Capri, the heart of the town of Capri. We took the funicular (a cable railway – our 6th mode of transportation!) to ascend from the marina at sea level to the Piazzetta above. The views from the square were magnificent. I literally had a “pinch me” moment!

A taxi (#7 – are you still counting?) brought us from Piazzetta di Capri to Piazza Vittoria, a quaint town square in Anacapri, where we then walked to the rental house where we would stay for the next three days. The villa and grounds were decked with painted tile flooring, oil paintings, fruit trees and a beautiful pergola with flowers and a large table for dinning also adorned with painted tiles. We made ourselves comfortable before heading out for dinner that night.

Day 2

The next day, we had plans to see the island by boat. A combination of jetlag, slight dehydration and wine from the night before was taking a toll on me. You could say I wasn’t feeling too hot, but I mustered the strength to get down to the marina for the boat tour, because there was no way I was missing it after coming all that way.

I am so grateful I made it on the boat because it was truly a magical day. The boat ride afforded us views of the island that you can only appreciate from the sea. If you ever travel to Capri, this is a must do. We sailed past the sheer cliffs along the coast of the island and saw giant faraglionis, rock formations eroded by waves, floating in the sea. Our captain took us to the famed Grotta Azzurra (the Blue Grotto) and others, and stopped the boat at one point so we could all jump in the turquoise waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Day 3

Our second full day was beach club day! La Fontelina Beach Club to be exact. Before the trip, I had seen pictures of the cliff-side beach club and many celebrities who have frequented it, and I was thrilled to get to experience it too.

To get there, you can walk from the piazzetta in Capri or go by boat from Marina Piccolo, the smaller marina on the southern side of the island. We went on foot through the town and winding streets and stopped to take in the picturesque view from an outlook.

“Beach” is a loose term on this island, as there is no sand or shallow water to wade into as one might imagine when you think of the word “beach.” But, the deep water off the rocks at La Fontelina was perfect for jumping competitions! We enjoyed our fair share of swimming and jumping in the water before having lunch at the club’s restaurant and headed back to the villa. Visiting La Fontelina is another must do, in my opinion.

Day 4

After two and a half awesome days in Capri, it was time to head to our next destination in Italy – Rome! The morning of our fourth day, we got our belongings together and ventured down to Marina Grande to catch the ferry back to Naples, where we would travel by train back to Rome. Before leaving though, we had to stop for prosciutto sandwiches and a Rome-themed coke – until next time, Capri!


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